

pagi orang bingung,
banyak bertanya saja,
kamu mau hidup kaya atau hidup miskin?
ah, terserah, hidup cuma seperti jalanan,
kamu tinggal pilih jalan mana yang kamu suka,

{simple morning}


Tina Ten Things

Tina Ten Things

1) I am an Java, Muslim girl from Indonesia.

2) I love photography obviously. I like art in general.

2) I love Less Salted food.

3) I’m a Design and Visual Communications

4) I do not make friends easily. (but I’m a lovable person. Yas, I think or as they say )

5) I believe that appearance is a part of who you are.

6) I love my family

7) I forgive and forget.

8) I love traveling, actually one of my dreams is to travel around the world :')

9) I’m a self-taught photographer (I’ve little taken a lesson in my college). I do not consider myself a professional photographer. I hope to grow more in this field.

10) I’m the kind of person who usually stop in a middle of a conversation to find “the word”


ya fotonya dicopy!

Pda suatu hari ada seorang bapak-bapak dateng ke warnet nyamperin operator warnet, dannn....
Bapak : Mas, bisa copy ya?
Operator : Mmm... copy apa pak?
Bapak : Copy foto ya dek ya....
Operator : Copy foto? Maksudnya transfer datakan? Fotonya darimana?
Bapak : Ya copy foto...dari HP trus dicopy gitu lho dek.
Operator : Ooohh... dari HP... Trus mau dicopy kemana? Ke CD ato ke Flasdisk?
Bapak : Bukan...bukan gitu.. Ya fotonya dicopy. (agak ngotot!)
Operator : Lha iya... Mau dicopy kemana, bapak?? Fotonya kan dari HP, trus mau dipindah ke CD ato ke FD??
Bapak : Bukan.. Ya foto dari HP, trus dicopy ke kertas gitu..ntar kluar.. (sambil dua telunjuknya berpantomim membuat sebuah persegi *maksudnya kertas*)
Operator : Copy??? ke kertas??? Owalah.... Cetak foto, maksudnyaaaa.....???
Bapak : ya...ya.... (agak gugup) ya itu tadi maksudnya....
Operator : @#$%&^%&^*^&%^% (ngedumel)
(sejak kapan cetak foto disebut copyyy???hahahaaa....)

dried shrimp noodles crab :P

good morning peeps, if you like seafood, but no inventory your home, you can make this dish.
this is my simple healthy breakfast with no oil and msg.
made from :
dried shrimp
parsley leaves
2 eggs
fish ketchup

that's it peeps :)